

curated by Georg Steker (AT)

Musical encounters in the Festival Lounge

Sat. 21 September | Send Me Up! - Anke Retzlaff / Peter Florian Berndt / Dominik Tremel
FREE ADMISSION - 21:30 (Doors 20:30)

ANKE RETZLAFF is an actress, musician and director. After studying music (singing, violin, piano) at the Hanover University of Music, she studied acting at the Rostock University of Music and Drama. In addition to various theatre and film engagements, she also works as a musician and theatre director. Her work is characterised by a high degree of interdisciplinarity.

PETER FLORIAN BERNDT is a musician, songwriter and performer. He has already worked as a composer and stage musician at various theatres in Germany. He is an active member of the professional improv theatre ensemble "Ernst von Leben" and electric guitarist with "LosPistoleros Güeros". He is a permanent member of the artistic ensemble in Retzlaff's productions.

DOMINIK TREMEL works as a freelance musician at theatres and in the field of experimental electro-acoustic music and, like Berndt, is a member of the ensemble "Ernst von Leben". He also develops radio plays and films: "TRAUMfactory" was screened at the Max Ophüls Preis film festival in 2020, while the radio play "Was wirklich geschah" won first prize at the 2021 Berlin Radio Play Festival.

Club MOSAIK creates space for encounters outside of the festival's music theatre projects. 

The CLUB MOSAIK series serves as a 'coming together' for the festival's artists and the audience in the relaxed atmosphere of the out-of-time establishment Spitzer in the Odeon.

In freely accessible after-hours sessions, artists from various productions of this year's festival come together and meet colleagues from Austria's contemporary music scene for spontaneous musical gatherings.

A place and a format for the artists of the festival, for off- and onstage performers, for the festival team and for our audience.

Further dates:

>> Fri 20 September | Alexander Chernyshkov / Franz Hautzinger

>> Thu 26 September | Best of Nothing - Clara Frühstück / Marino Formenti

>> Fri 27 September | Italian Spoken Word Impro Fusion Jazz Funk Freakout - Tex Rubinowitz / Philipp Quehenberger



Free admission

Spitzer at the Odeon Theatre

Taborstraße 10, courtyard left, 1020 Vienna