Georg Steker (AT)


Musical encounters in the Festival Lounge


The festival club MOSAIK at Spitzer is a meeting place away from the music theatre projects of the programme and a 'coming together' space for artists and audience in a relaxed atmosphere.

A festival programme is like a mosaic. The individual pieces are special and beautiful in their own right. However, when put into a certain order, the whole is more than just the sum of the individual parts. This does not detract from the value and specialness of the individual elements. The whole is something new. Like a delicious dish in which the individual ingredients can be tasted and the careful balance of these creates something new.

In the CLUB MOSAIK series we invite artists from MTTW productions to create a concert evening together with colleagues from other festival projects or from the Viennese music theatre scene. On six days of the festival, at after-show time, when the performances of the day have finished, people meet in the wonderfully out-of-time 'Spitzer' in the Odeon Theatre to live the unifying factor, the music. There is no set music, no common 'theme'; people play individually or together, perhaps improvised music, perhaps their own fixed works or others.

A production of the MUSIKTHEATERTAGE WIEN.

Thu. 14 September, 9:30 pm:
Illia Razumeiko, Roman Grygoriv, Lena Belkina and Marichka Shtyrbulova (all UKR, Opera Aperta laboratorium)
Fri. 15 September, 9:30 pm:
CLUB MOSAIK superdivers with Sekina Teyna, Özlem Bulut and Seba Kayan. Venue: Cultural Centre 7*Stern
Sat. 16 September, 9:30 pm: Matthias Kranebitter (AT), Thomas Cornelius Desi (AT)
Wed. 20 September, 9:30 pm:
Barbara Maria Neu (AT), Jorge Sánchez Chiong (VEN/AT)
Fri. 22 September, 9:30 pm:
Asa Horvitz, Wayne Horvitz, Jalalu Kalvert Nelson (all USA)
Sat. 23 September, 9:30 pm: Michael Tiefenbacher (AT), Tina 303 (AT)