Musical Appointments in the Festival Lounge, curated by Georg Steker (AT)

With: Illia Razumeiko, Roman Grygoriv, Lena Belkina and Marichka Shtyrbulova (all UKR, Opera Aperta laboratorium)


The festival club MOSAIK at the Odeon Spitzer is a meeting place away from the music theatre projects of the programme and a 'coming together' space for artists and audience in a relaxed atmosphere.

In freely accessible musical sessions, artists from different productions of the festival come together or meet colleagues from Vienna's contemporary music and music theatre scene to provide insights into their approach to music creation.

Just as a mosaic is more than the sum of its individual parts, the MUSIKTHEATERTAGE WIEN is also more than the staged productions on show. Experience the people behind the works!

A production of the MUSIKTHEATERTAGE WIEN.

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Artistic direction, curation: Georg Steker | With: Illia Razumeiko, Roman Grygoriv, Lena Belkina and Marichka Shtyrbulova (all UKR, Opera Aperta laboratorium)


Opera Aperta laboratorium (UKR) / Georg Steker (AT)


Spitzer at the Odeon Theatre
Taborstraße 10, courtyard left, 1020 Vienna
  • Preis: Free admission
  • Information: Festival Club, Free Admission