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MTTW 2023 / HoME, (c) Enrique Mendoza

HoME - House. Music. Europe

Installation, exhibition and performance around the question "What does home mean?"

Austrian premiere

"Would you tell us what home means to you?" Answers to this question were collected by 12 artists from different genres, art disciplines and countries in Austria, Hungary, Serbia and Spain. At the MUSIC THEATRE DAYS VIENNA, all phases of the collective project HoME can now be seen together: an interactive mobile installation, an exhibition and a music theatre performance.

HoME installation
An interactive, mobile studio and the surrounding space where individual and private narratives in real time ... Ticket

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MTTW 2023 / HoME, (c) Enrique Mendoza

HoME - House. Music. Europe

Installation, exhibition, discussion and live acts around the question "What does home mean?"

Austrian premiere

"Would you tell us what home means to you?" Answers to this question were collected by 12 artists from different genres, art disciplines and countries in Austria, Hungary, Serbia and Spain. At the MUSIKTHEATERTAGEN WIEN, the phases of the collective project HoME can now be seen together, concluded by a discussion panel with live acts.

HoME installation
An interactive, mobile studio and surrounding space where individual and private narratives are told in real time (through ... Ticket

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MTTW 2023 / GHOST (C) Joachim Robbrecht


An AI-powered performance about death and memory


What do you get when you ask a machine questions about death? After the death of his father, composer Asa Horvitz collects books about death, grief and loss and feeds them into a machine learning system (AI) that creates word fragments from them. From the AI texts set to music, the artists create a performance in GHOST to mourn together with the audience, to drift into the present and the past and to pay tribute to the dead. ... Ticket

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MTTW 2023 / GHOST (C) Joachim Robbrecht


An AI-powered performance about death and memory


What do you get when you ask a machine questions about death? After the death of his father, composer Asa Horvitz collects books about death, grief and loss and feeds them into a machine learning system (AI) that creates word fragments from them. From the AI texts set to music, the artists create a performance in GHOST to mourn together with the audience, to drift into the present and the past and to pay tribute to the dead. ... Ticket

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MTTW 2023 / GHOST (C) Joachim Robbrecht


An AI-powered performance about death and memory


What do you get when you ask a machine questions about death? After the death of his father, composer Asa Horvitz collects books about death, grief and loss and feeds them into a machine learning system (AI) that creates word fragments from them. From the AI texts set to music, the artists create a performance in GHOST to mourn together with the audience, to drift into the present and the past and to pay tribute to the dead. ... Ticket

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