
Thomas Cornelius Desi (AT)


A music theatre about time and wrath: The saint against a king


Anger and rage as metaphors of strong feeling fuel this play about the historical conflict between the angry King Henry II Plantagenet and his later canonised Chancellor and Archbishop Thomas Becket almost a thousand years ago. It is the story of a loss of control with tragic consequence.

For this year's opening piece, young people, author Thomas Ballhausen and composer Thomas Cornelius Desi have explored the theme of anger. An old French verse epic on Becket is juxtaposed with a new text, and medieval book illustrations appear as tableaux vivants. This "mystery play 2.0" is musically arranged by a slider chest organ, electric guitar, an 8-channel audio system, choir and two solo voices.

A production of the MUSIKTHEATERTAGE WIEN in cooperation with the Wiener Hofmusikkapelle. With the kind support of Sektkellerei Kattus

Languages: German, English, Old French, Latin. With German surtitles


€ 25 Full / € 15 Reduced / € 10 CARE


Vienna Hofburgkapelle

Hofburg-Swiss Court, 1010 Vienna