HoME - House. Music. Europe

HoME Collective (HU/RS/AT/ES) / Black Page Orchestra (AT)

HoME - House. Music. Europe

Installation, exhibition, discussion and live acts around the question "What does home mean?"

Austrian premiere

"Would you tell us what home means to you?" Answers to this question were collected by 12 artists from different genres, art disciplines and countries in Austria, Hungary, Serbia and Spain. At the MUSIKTHEATERTAGEN WIEN, the phases of the collective project HoME can now be seen together, concluded by a discussion panel with live acts.

HoME installation
An interactive mobile studio and the surrounding space where individual and private narratives are sonified and played in real time (through sonification). Here, visitors can be alone and reflect on the true nature of their home, while others around the installation listen to the sounds created by the processes inside.

HoME exhibition
A collection of seven audiovisual works of different types created by the participating artists based on their experiences during the journey with the installation.

A Moment to Land Performance
Takes place exclusively on 15 September.
A music theatre performance by participating artists that draws on responses and stories collected during the research trip. Instrumental and electro-acoustic music makers, visual composers, dancers, performers, actors and directors work together to give an insight into what home can mean to them.

Saturday, 16 September, 7:30 pm: HEARING TALK: REFRAMING HoME
Discussion I
on "Being at HoME together" with HoMe Kollektiv in conversation with Julia MIhályfy
Live Act I: Branislav Jovancevic (SRB) - electronics
Discussion II on " At Home with War" with Roman Grygoriv, Illia Razumeiko and Marichka Shtyrbulova in conversation with Georg Steker
Live Act II "Homesickness/Far Away for Guzheng and Bandura": Roman Grygoriv (UKR), Illia Razumeiko (UKR)

A co-production of Cultural Centre of Vojvodina Milos Crnjanski, moment collective, MIXTUR Festival, Transparent Sound New Music Festival, brut Wien and MUSIKTHEATERTAGE WIEN.

Funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
EU Logo Funding 

Language: English


15 September
€ 25 full price / € 15 reduced / € 10 CARE

16 September
€ 15 fixed price

Available in the brut combi-ticket


brut northwest

Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Vienna