Austrian premiere (opening)


Marino Formenti (IT), Irena Tomažin (SI), Thomas Grill (AT)

MTTW After-Premiere Music Performance

In their first collaboration, Marino Formenti, Irena Tomažin and Thomas Grill conceived an entertaining and abysmal musical performance for the MTTW after-premiere party. Based on the situation and mood of a pop event, they play with the associated clichés. In doing so, they scrutinise and sabotage the idea of the human voice as an intimate and truthful communication, as a very personal, unique "signature".
Voice, player piano and computer are the main elements of this performance on the border between human and technology, intimate communication and disembodiment, presence and emptiness.

"Is she a good guy? Does she have feelings? What is her weakness? What is she afraid of? Is she black or white? Does she need to eat? Who is her ex girlfriend? What is her IQ? Can she defeat Thanos? Who is her lover? Can she feel pain? Is she possible in real life? Does she herself have an AI? What is her technology? Why is she part robot? Is she a virgin?"

tickets & performances

prices: Category 3

Full price € 10 [admission included in the opening ticket, available for purchase separately]

Odeon Theater

Taborstraße 10, 1200 Vienna