

ERRORTHEATER / Alexander Chernyshkov (IT/RU), Philipp Lossau (DE)

18:30 Meeting point

U3 station Simmering, at Simmeringer Platz >>
Exit Hasenleitengasse / at the bus station

A music-theatrical search for inspiration in Vienna's least beloved castle

The composer is in crisis. He lacked the inspiration to create a work of art for the Musiktheatertage in and out of the city of Vienna. So he went out of the city and into himself in search of inspiration. But instead of the high-altitude spa town of Semmering, he ended up in the suburb of Simmering, where inspiration not only found him, but haunted him in images and sounds.

Der Simmerring is an opera that stages and composes the artistic process and its aberrations itself. The unimaginative composer wants to seek refuge in Semmering, where artists such as Adolf Loos and Gustav Mahler pursued their inner genius far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Instead, however, he finds himself in the Mannerist Schloss Neugebäude in Vienna's Simmering district, where an audience is already waiting.

Loudly and quietly, he reflects on art outside and within society, the horror of the self, the loss of genius, loneliness in a council block and community in a pleasure palace and whether it wouldn't have been better not to come here in the first place. In the middle of Simmering, the birth of comedy from the spirits of music takes place to the disturbing sound of the Ensemble Platypus and the roar of the brass band.

"If we magnify the error instead of ignoring it, it reveals its most intimate knowledge to us. And if we then really listen to what the error reveals to us - its cunning, its humour, its shame and its regret - then, with a bit of luck, we can understand it for what it is: neither exposition nor recapitulation, but the development."
- Errortheater

Duration: 90 min from the start of the performance, ends at 20:30
Language: German, English
Note:: Partly outdoor event - please bring appropriate clothing for cold weather, not accessible for wheelchairs


Performances & tickets

Prices: Category 1

Full price € 27 | Reduced € 15

Meeting point: 18:30

Underground station U3 Simmering/ Exit Hasenleitengasse, at the bus station

Schloss Neugebäude

Otmar-Brix-Gasse 1, 1110 Vienna