Opening MTTW 2019
Composition*: Peter Jakober
Concept and dramaturgy: Georg Steker
Choirs: Melange Vocal, Chor im Hemd, Amerlingchor Vienna
Production assistance: Martina Brunner
Thu, 12.09.2019, 7:30 pm
Peter Jakober (AT)
SOUND CLOUD I. will envelop the courtyard of the WUK in a great cloud of sound on 12 September. Peter Jakober composed this ten-minute work for large choir especially for the opening of the MUSIKTHEATERTAGE WIEN. It sounds from the roof of the administration wing and from the windows of the NGO offices, the studios, the rehearsal rooms. Outdoors, in your auditory canals, dear visitors, this cluster composition comes together and sends you off into the Ten Days Festival at the new location.