
Austrian premiere


Anke Retzlaff (DE)

A music performance from the collective dream archive

What do people dream about? In a unique mixture of theatre, performance and concert, DREAM MACHINE brings the world of dreams into a shared experience while fully conscious. Based on a monologue about an impossible farewell, a frenzied trip through the unconscious follows, in which the audience's dreams also resound..

The DREAM MACHINE starts in a telephone box. It is set up outside the venue a few days before the performance and offers visitors space to leave their dreams, longings and fears as audio messages. The dream archive has been growing since the premiere of the play in 2021, fed by voices from different origins and backgrounds.

From the dream memories and texts by the author Matin Soofipour Omam, an actress and three musicians then develop a concert performance that leads right through the unconscious.

In a polyphonic composition, the boundaries between dream and reality, between song and spoken word, electro and jazz are dissolved.

"We all have dreams - during the day and at night. Dreams, in which we can fly, a child gets lost or a snake dies. Do dreams find us or are we inventing them? And how is our dream world altered when a crisis strikes and reality is turned upside down?"
- Anke Retzlaff

Duration: 65 min.
Note: Stage fog and strobe effects are used during the performance.

tickets & performances

prices: Category 2

Full price € 22 | Reduced: € 12 [Available in the NACHT combination ticket]

Theater am Werk / Kabelwerk

Oswaldgasse 35A, 1120 Vienna